BBC viewers in tears as they brand Springwatch 'too depressing' after death-filled episode

The much-loved BBC wildlife programme, Springwatch, returned to screens this week, however, fans of the show took to social media to share their thoughts on a particularly “depressing” and “harrowing” episode.

In Wednesday night’s instalment, presenters Chris Packham and Michaela Strachan reported on a group of kingfisher birds, as the cameras zoomed in to track their breeding and feeding processes.

During these scenes the adult male and female birds captured up to 100 fish from the nearby river to feed their offspring.

However, the situation quickly deteriorated for the baby birds after heavy rain stopped their parents from being able to access the nest, where the starving chicks remained.

“They can hear the desperate calls of their chicks but the parents can’t get into the nest,” the voiceover explained.

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These attempts continued for two days after the rain had caused the vegetation along the river to stoop, which blocked access to their nest.

Eventually the kingfisher offspring starved to death, and those that didn’t starve were either too weak to eat, drowned or were forced to flee the nest in an attempt to survive.

Fans of the show took to Twitter to express their unease at watching the scenes play out.

One wrote: “#Springwatch is nothing but death and misery. Nothing.”

While another added: “Blimey, #Springwatch has been quite a tough watch this evening, the harsh side of nature very evident.”

A third took to the social media platform to say: “Bullying, cannibalism, drowning, kidnapping and murder and that was just the birds!!”

And another noted that it was “hard to enjoy any of what the presenters call the positives when you’ve been hit by successive deaths".

Speaking about the show more generally, others found it “harrowing” and “a hard watch".

One viewer remarked: “Bullying, cannibalism, drowning, kidnapping and murder and that was just the birds!!”

Some even had a few suggestions for the show going forward, with one fan saying: “Right #Springwatch needs a doom and gloom rating before each show starts because my soul can't take another episode like this.”

Another person also asked: “Could you spread out the bad news a bit please?”

Springwatch airs Tuesday to Friday on BBC2 at 8pm until Friday June 16, with previous episodes available on iPlayer.

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