'My neighbour butchered a tree in my garden - but got angry when I cut it down'


A man was baffled after his aggressive neighbour insisted on trimming his tree to stop it overhanging his garden - only to get angry when the owner just chopped it down altogether.

The man claimed his neighbour did not care how the tree looked, but hired a tree service to "butcher" it from his side of the fence. 

Taking to Reddit, the man explained: "I had a neighbour who privately seethed that a tree on his side of my house was growing wild into his space.

"It was a lovely tree that flowered and honestly I didn't care about that side of the house.

"Instead of calling it to my attention, he called a tree service out and they butchered it at the property line.

It's actually about 2ft on my side - it's not obvious, but I have the survey.

"Then he reads me the riot act about his rights. So I said OK and walked away with him ranting at the back of my head."

Trying to fix the bizarre mess made by his neighbour, the Reddit poster called up another tree service to see if they could rectify the situation.

He was informed that it would be two years before the tree resembled anything like its original shape. But after making more enquiries, he learnt it would cost a third of the price to cut it down completely then have it "shaped" ready for new growth.

The man added: "I had the tree taken out. He [my neighbour] was annoyed because that side looked bare. He started going off on me, and I said, 'Wait. Didn't you tell me if it's on my property I can do what I want?

"He stormed off and I never talked to him again. His wife commented that it was a shame that tree was gone and I told her to thank her husband. He got what he asked for."

However, the man's "solution" didn't go down well with social media users who claim he went too far with his retaliation and sympathised less with him, and more with the tree.

Commenting on his post, one user said: "That tree is the only thing I feel sorry for."

Another user added: "Aw man….poor innocent tree!"

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